Thursday, October 31, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013


This Sunday, Alison and I get to play at An Beal Bocht, my favorite hangout in the Bronx.  We've been working on these songs upstate and it will be fun to bring them to the city.  We're singing together and I'm playing ukuleles, she's taken up the autoharp where appropriate.  Come check it out, it will be fun.

Borgia & Davy
Songs and Arias
Sunday, 11/3/2013
An Beal Bocht Cafe
445 West 238th Street
Riverdale, Bronx

Monday, October 7, 2013

Thursday happy hour gig!

I may wear this hat.

I'm playing this Thursday evening at doubles 2 in catskill.  This will be a solo set as Alison is rehearsing to be a nun in a Puccini opera in New Jersey and cannot make this one.  It looks like I'll be joined by bassist Adam Price - fun shall be had!

I'll play a bunch of my own songs, it will be a mix of old and new.  It's early and it's free!

Carmen Borgia
Songs on guitar and ukulele
Thursday, October 10
Doubles 2
188 Water Street, Catskill, NY