Now for all of you who may not have been fortunate, or crazy enough to make it to New York City for South, I've naturally got another thing going. Somewhere in the rehearsal process for South, I wrapped a new CD, The Red Circle Line. The title honors my daily commute into midtown by subway to extract money from the man, or a man. Or sometimes the Woman. Whatever. In any case, it's a wonderful piece of musical output, and you will be certainly pleased by it if you pick up a copy.
Now I'm not going to get into that "hey, support me because I'm an artist" thing, although I do crave support. No, you should check it out because it contains some truly great music and I think you will like it. These songs are good. A guy at work said, "It would be great if you could get some guitar and drums in these like a normal album, but even with the ukulele or whatever that is, I was humming these tunes on the way into work today. Weird."
See, people like this stuff.
Go, listen to some pieces, and if you're interested, then buy it online, because unless you come ring my doorbell in the Bronx, that's where you're going to get it.
If you'd like to be supportive, but don't want to spend any money, I have another offer. Listen to the snippets on itunes or CDBaby, post a comment on CDbaby or itunes, let me know you did it so I can check it out and I'll send you a copy for nuthin'. Of course, if you do not wish to waste precious time reviewing the actual music, you may simply provide a testimonial on those sites regarding my character and I'll honor the commitment. Writing is good for you! Even if you trash me out with a scandalously negative review, I'll still send you a CD. You may be able to make a few bucks selling it on ebay (where most of my sales occur), but whatever, I'm into redistribution of wealth, even my own, such as it is. This offer is especially good for Kent, as he pontificates so beautifully about quality music, and I long to be included in his commentary.
A few facts: I wrote all of it and played most of it. Some spectacularly sexy vocals by Alison Davy, to whom I'm married. (TMI?) Eric Garfinkel played guitar on one song, and I should have used him on more. Brian Dewan did a beautiful painting for the cover. Alan Silverman of Arf Digital in NYC mastered it for that extra special something. All in all, it's a no-miss event.
So that's the deal at the moment. Download it on itunes for 10 bucks (fire up itunes, type in Carmen Borgia in the itunes store) or buy the CD on CD baby for 10.99 plus shipping. More info can be had here on my Web site. Come on, go do it!
Man, marketing my own stuff is hard. Almost makes me wish I was on a record label.
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