Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Treehouse at the P&G Bar this Thursday

There are gigs and there are gigs. Some gigs are just about showing up and hitting play, not the play button on your ipod but the play button in my mind.  This gig will not be like that.  Forget all of my previous gigs, and all other known gigs, this gig is different.  Yes, it is at a bar, as so many other gigs have historically been, but this gig will be elevated, and not in a subtle manner either.  This gig will be singular, unique.  Yes, I shall be playing songs from the book, as I played at my last P&G gig and numerous gigs previous, but don't worry your pretty little head about that, we've kicked it up a notch.  Maybe two. Let me assure you that this gig will be more than a gig.  It will be an engagement.

I will wear a nice shirt and a comfortable hat.  I've purchased a new guitar tuner, and I shall be using that to carefully tune my guitar.  I may be playing electric, I may be playing acoustic.  This gig is so profoundly innovative that I am not sure I will even know myself which instrument I will play beforehand.  I can't know even that fundamental piece of information, the kind of thing that basic pre-planning and rehearsal ordinarily demands, this gig is so outside the box.

Randy Hudson.  Evan Cassidy.  Tom Freaking Wayland.  And, of course, me, Carmen Borgia.  We got your guitar, we got your ebow, we got some other guitar, we got your bass and drums.  We got 'em right here.  For you.  Come, attend, be there, be free.  It's free.  No drink minimum, but they do assuredly have drinks, and there is no drink maximum either. You get to decide for yourself; this groundbreaking option of choice is only one of the many refreshing aspects that define this gig.  It's early, catch us after work and get home in plenty of time to chill out with a movie or a plate of artisanal cheese.  You see, this is not like other gigs, those that are so frequently later or drinkier or expensiver. 

This gig will be a game changer. 

P&G Bar, 380 Columbus Avenue at 78th Street
Thursday, July 1st, 6-8pm
No cover

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