- What's up?
- Oh, I'm very excited to at last be finishing up on the basement! I spoke with the cement guy and he's going to come by this week to have a look at it. The only thing left is a bit of cement that needs to be broken out by the steps and I'm done.
- Then they pour?
- Yes! It's going to be so nice at last. I'll have a whole extra floor then, and room for my stuff down there, it's going to be great.
- It'll be brilliant to have a real basement with a ceiling higher than five feet.
- Oh, yes! I feel that all of the hard work will have finally paid off. I've been digging it out forever, but now that the end is in sight it just seems as if a tremendous weight is about to be lifted from my shoulders!
- I really love that. Congratulations, man.
- Oh, thank you! My new floor is almost here!
- What else is going on?
- Oh, just a lot of bullshit. My email has been acting up and that's why I've not gotten back to you. I just finally got access to things and saw your email there. I'm ready to get going as soon as I get this last piece of cement broken out of the basement.
- Alright, that sounds good.
- The Internet here is rather unpredictable. It usually works fine but then not at all for awhile. Then a bunch of emails will arrive all at once.
- Drag. Is it a dial up?
- Oh no, it's a high speed, but it just doesn't behave as it should sometimes.
- Who knows?
- It's worse than an enigma, it's just random misbehavior. Just when you think it's working ok it craps out in a completely unpredictable way. Fuck that!
- Fuck that!
- What a lot of bullshit it is!
- A whole lot! ... Did you get the songs and the templates?
- Yes, I just got them today. As soon as I finish digging I'll have a look at them. I'm so excited about my basement.
- Well, it is the very foundation of your house. You should be excited.
- Oh, I am. I really am. I've been anticipating this moment for so long, and now that it's about to become a reality I can barely believe it! Have you decided on a title yet?
- No, I'm not sure. I've sent you some options, but I don't know. I've been working on the music all by myself for so long, and now I'm ready for some company. The only person who has heard it all is Alison.
- Oh, well I'm certainly ready to have a listen and see what's what.
- That would be good.
- I can see why you'd be anxious to get to the bottom of things at last, after all this time.
- It's all good. I like figuring out how it will all be by myself, but I do like some socializing before presenting it to the public.
- Of course! It's dreadful to not know how it will play. And yet it's really the best thing to decide what you will do without the pointless meddling of others.
- It scares me.
- But you shouldn't be scared! Your music is fine! It's not so hard to make a thing that is good. It's only people who are filled with doubt, and who are concerned with what others think who will strive to fuck up your good work. And they won't even do it because they have opinions of their own, but because they're anxious about what other people will think. Fuck them! They will hear your songs and be critical, but who cares??? If they feel so strongly about it they should write their own songs, or even better, just go and fuck themselves. Who do they think they are anyway?
- Well, thank you for your support. It's good to get out in the world a bit after months of being introverted and all hidden in my studio.
- That's ok. I'll finally get a listen to your songs today and then I'll know what to do.
- Excellent. I'm glad to hear that the basement is almost done. It's been months and months since you started. I was glad to be able to help you kick it off.
- Oh, you were so helpful! I was in a very depressed state and I never thought it would get started. But you came along and cleared the way!
- That was a good weekend.
- There was such a jumble of crap down there, and you neatened it all up so that I could see more clearly the task that lay ahead.
- It was good to just come up and be in a little town for a change. I was exhausted from the day to day in the city.
- Well it was my gain, It was very fortunate for me to have you show up, just at that moment when things seemed so dark to give it a push.
- Cool.
- And now all that's left is the one little piece of cement by the steps. I'll go back down in a minute and get back at it. It's very persistent though.
- It's expressing itself?
- Yes, it's a very hard kind of cement. I pound and pound and it just makes little marks in it.
- You should rent a jackhammer.
- Really? You can do that?
- Oh yeah. Just call up a tool rental place, they're probably only about twenty bucks a day. Then you just pull the trigger and knock that shit out of there. Twenty minutes and you'll be laughing.
- That sounds wonderful!
- You can rent a little one, it'll probably be cheap.
- Oh, that would be fantastic!
- I guarantee you it will be. Twenty minutes to rent it, twenty minutes to knock it out. Forty total minutes.
- That would be a tremendous outcome!
- And then you could get on to my CD art.
- Yes! And then I could get on to your CD art. This is so exciting!
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