Only one weekend to go! Here are some reviews...
A few from theatermania.com:
Crazy Fun! by theaterlady
Ive been losing faith in the off-off-Broadway world because, so often, the playwrights try so hard to be edgy or different they forget that theres an audience that may want to be engaged and, god-forbid, entertained. SOUTH is simple and complex, deep and frothy, meaningful and playful. The staging was creative and unique, the performers, just dynamite! THANK YOU!
posted on 06/15/2009 at 8:34:00 PM
posted on 06/15/2009 at 8:34:00 PM
Review: Excellent option! by lisasf
For those who appreciate creative, talented, off beat, poignant, funny, you'll LOVE South! The love child of Carmen Borgia, a quirky, hip, brilliant musician, with Bill Pace directing, its no suprise South takes you on an unexpected journey. Its refreshing when a musical surprises you with a destination you never imagined getting to. Since Broadway has turned Hollywood, you need to go downtown for all the exhiliratingly original pieces, which South has in plenty! Not only is the writer an amazingly accomplished musician/singer/songwriter, but the cast is filled with top notch performers. This supremely talented, highly enjoyable cast will impress in all the right ways. With Doug Skinner (Bill Irwin's partner in crime for years), Bill Tost (The Fantastiks), alongside Robb Sherman, Sadrina Johnson, Michael D'Emedio and Alison Davy you'll want to have seen South when it opens with the original cast, trust me! You'll be one of the cool kids who can say, "I was there when South was in a 100 seat theater in the East Village, how cool is that??"
posted on 06/06/2009 at 7:03:00 AM
posted on 06/06/2009 at 7:03:00 AM
Review: RE:Worth a look by jerrynick
Caught a preview, pretty cool music - Magnetic Fields meets Wilco....
posted on 06/03/2009 at 10:53:00 PM
posted on 06/03/2009 at 10:53:00 PM

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Various email salutations and encouragements...
Just got back from seeing South, a nautical musical by Ukulele Cabaret regular, Carmen Borgia. All I have to say is, GO SEE IT! It also features Ukulele Cabaret Regulars Doug Skinner and Alison Davy.
Ted Gottfried, Sonic Uke
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CONGRATULATIONS my friend !!! What a great work!
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The show was great fun and I look forward to seeing and hearing more from you!
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Hey Carmen, saw the show over the weekend and really enjoyed it- particularly the ukulele number. Awesome work man! Congrats!
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I loved the show last night! Hope we can catch it again the last weekend...
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What an incredible show! So many quotable lines, singable tunes, stunning characterizations...I LOVED IT! If you are ANYWHERE close to NYC in June, you must see it!
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What a delightful and delicious romp!

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